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Monthly/Quarterly Report for NDOT

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Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) is contracted to NDOT to operate the freeway system in Las Vegas Metropolitan area. This is the monthly/Quarterly operation summary for NDOT.

Month Report Contents
June 2013 Freeway Performance Summary
Freeway Performance Tables

Quarter Report Contents
2015 Quarter 1 Freeway Performance Report 2015 Q1
2015 Quarter 2 Freeway Performance Report 2015 Q2
2015 Quarter 3 Freeway Performance Report 2015 Q3
2016 Quarter 2 Freeway Performance Report 2016 Q2

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How are the seasons defined?
A: Since traffic volumes and performance are directly related to school being in session or holidays, we divide a year into six "seasons":

There are very noticeable changes in traffic volumes when school is out. So we compare each sub-corridor's performance season over season.

Q: What is the reliability score?
A: The reliability score is a measure of the type and extent of congestion. The attachment has more details. A score of 0 means no congestion events occurred during the season. A score slightly below 200 suggests predictable recurring congestion on weekdays and minimal other congestion events. Scores in the 300s / 400s (or high 200s) suggest a combination of recurring congestion plus extreme congestion events, crashes that cause congestion outside of the peak periods, and congestion caused by work zones. Detailed information regarding how the scores are calcuated can be found here.

Q: What do the color arrows mean?
A: A dark green arrow means that a season, when compared with the performance from the previous year, has improved reliability scores, fewer ‘extreme’ congestion events in the peak period, higher daily volume, and a reduced number of crashes per day. A light green arrow means that, typically, all but one of the measures show improvement. Yellow and orange arrows suggest that performance improvements are balanced by performance degradation or the performance is degrading from the prior year’s season.

Q: What are the benefits of using ITS and applying operation strategies?
A: From the reports, you may find how the performance changes season over season and year over year. The thinking, in terms of ITS benefits, is "Can we absorb increases in volume without having the overall performance of the freeway degrade?" ITS investments and programs should contribute to safe and efficient traffic flow, our performance report quantify the extent to which this occurs. For examples, I-15 Northbound at Sahara performance has improved because of enhanced patrolling by NHP and FSP. I-15 Northbound further to the south is showing strong performance following the completion of Design-Build South.

Q: What does "Friday daily volume" column mean?
A: For each year and season, a daily Friday volume is selected to represent the season and corridor.

Q: What doesn "Crash per day info" column mean?
A: This is a summary of all crashes managed by FAST. We gather data on how quickly the crash vehicles are moved out of the travel lanes and deduct crashes that are cleared in 10 minutes or less from the total.

Q: What does the "percent change" column mean?
A: The percent change columns compare the performance of, for example, beginning year 2013 with beginning year 2012, and we assign an appropriate arrow based on the comparison.

Performance Reliability Score

Scores are calculated by doing the following:

The scores displayed on slides are computed by doing the following: